At LiveMindz, we employ a well-defined iterative hardware design process we’ve carefully built over years of dedicated engagement in electronics development for a wide range of commercial initiatives organized by our clients.
LiveMindz hardware designers can seamlessly tie together the key deliverables for creating a fully-integrated and reliable product — from hardware architecture design, through schematic, PCB design and board bring-up through to mass production support. For every hardware design stage we employ relevant QA procedures. Our team delivers professional and definite document packages to support the hardware design and development process at each phase: functional diagrams, component library, CAD and gerbers, spec for enclosure design, and others.
Assessing expectations of the product, its use cases, manufacturing options.
Elaborating circuit design with actual electronic connections based on functional diagram using.Selecting relevant electronic components based on required functions and available price.
Enabling component and reuse management by organizing a library tying together critical data: symbols, cells, padstack, parts.Transferring schematic diagram into a drawing of the printed circuit board.
LiveMindz provides support in supervising the production process with the manufacturer of client’s choice.
Bringing together the prototype using the electronic components identified in BOM and developed firmware Supervision of the trial production process.
Once the board layout is optimized and verified for correct operation, the mass production can be launched. LiveMindz provides support in supervising the production process with the manufacturer of client’s choice.
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